Easy/medium-intensity ride of about 30 km/h (average speed).
Maximum effort over a distance of 10-40 km of about 40 km/h average.
(on flat terrain).
A beginner will achieve an average speed of about 25-27 km/h
Imitating other athletes from a different level of sports. It's mainly about intensity and training volume. Just because a certain workout works for one athlete doesn't mean it will work for you.
First training, then the test. Speed is the test, i.e. covering the distance in the shortest time possible. To do it well, you first have to build your form by training with the right intensity, which is controlled by heart rate or power.
Lack of motivation to train is caused by a number of factors. Health, equipment, training plan, personal life. The training plan usually plays a big role, but other factors can also reset motivation.