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Last update: 07-09-2024



Sports can be beautiful.
Sports are beautiful when used properly.
If you do what you love, do what you like.
It must be nice.
Pleasant but also with interesting effects.
One could say that with beautiful effects.
What will happen to your body after 2-3 years of systematic roller training?What if, from spring to autumn, you go for a stronger, sometimes relaxing, sometimes longer, sometimes shorter roller ride 2-3 times a week? Let’s call it properly: “what if you systematically go for roller training?” !Your body will be BEAUTIFUL!

This is the full definition of sport hidden in the form of a toy called “rollers”.
Yes, this toy has been with us for a very long time.
Who didn’t roller skate as a child?Who hasn’t practiced technique, shifting and riding backwards?The whole body works when roller skating!The core muscles, our muscular corset that holds the entire body vertically, are stimulated to the limit.
Leg muscles, arm muscles – everything works.
There are plenty of benefits.
Development of speed, strength, endurance, improvement of motor coordination.
Interestingly, it is a movement similar to popular cycling.
A competitive roller skater, he can handle the bike perfectly when competing at a high level.
When it comes to training endurance, efficiency, speed or strength – on roller skates, with these toys, you will perform training units at a master’s level.
Minus? If you can call it a disadvantage – to perform advanced exercises you need to acquire appropriate driving techniques.
Turning, sprinting, braking.
You will learn all this by doing steady endurance training/rides around the city.
Next step – exercises and intervals.
Necessary step? NO.