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    Clear results

    JacaCoachTEAM: training, cycling, tips

    06-02-2025 Transfer details in the JacaCoachAPP application
    06-02-2025 Change of account number
    05-02-2025 Rebuilding the trainer panel
    03-02-2025 Increased server performance

    Stories by JacaCoachTEAM
    Stats kraje (en)#18995
    (7hours ago)
    Stats2 (en)#18872
    (22hours ago)
    Stats (en)#18859
    (22hours ago)
    Stats kraje (en)#18854
    (1days ago)
    Story app
    New version of the application (2.1) and new graphic design.
    (1days ago)
    Relacja (en)#18835
    (1days ago)

    "We present statistics"
    (New post in "News")
    (1days ago)

    Someone has drawn a new clue for today
    (1days ago)
    Stats (en)#18799
    (1days ago)
    Stats (en)#18794
    (1days ago)
    Stats (en)#18782
    (1days ago)
    JacaCoachTeam Stats 2 (en)#18777
    (2days ago)
    JacaCoachTeam stats (en)#18772
    (2days ago)

    Control question

    1+1= (in words)

    Temporary nick

    (To display the nickname addition form, answer the security question shown above.)

    Activity on website
    08.02 22:10:55 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18995 en
    08.02 17:19:22 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Nobody doing his/her best forever :)" en
    08.02 17:10:16 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Who has more to offer? Mother Nature or the Internet?" en
    08.02 16:41:46 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "And maybe a healthy, athletic person on the beach is a gift for the eyes from Mother Nature?" en
    08.02 16:21:12 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today ""No football play", "No running", etc. Are children getting in the way?" en
    08.02 14:35:59 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Does the smell of the body, of sweat, depend on the food consumed?" en
    08.02 14:17:11 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Is being a parent our main goal and the greatest pleasure that Mother Nature has given us? Without the possibility of choice?" en
    08.02 14:09:30 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "A man feels best in the company of men, a woman in the company of women, but same-sex relationships are disgusting" en
    08.02 14:03:11 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Condemnation of homosexuality. Nature or conflict of interest? Or maybe elimination of competition?" en
    08.02 14:00:12 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Admiring your own body and being disgusted by the body of someone of the same sex" en
    08.02 11:48:09 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Body makes character." en
    08.02 11:39:28 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Body or Character?" en
    08.02 09:10:14 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today ""You're complicating it unnecessarily" interesting story" en
    08.02 08:59:23 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Muscle pain after training, where does it come from?" en
    08.02 08:35:31 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Our research" en
    08.02 07:48:40 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Speed, strength, or endurance" en
    08.02 07:42:14 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Schemes, good or bad?" en
    08.02 07:32:23 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Routine" en
    08.02 07:15:18 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18872 en
    08.02 07:14:59 JacaCoachTEAM removed entry from activity (entry visible in archive) en
    08.02 07:09:34 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18859 en
    07.02 22:10:14 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18854 en
    07.02 18:48:08 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18847 en
    07.02 18:38:35 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post News "JacaCoachAPP an integral part of the entire system" en
    07.02 15:44:49 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18835 en
    07.02 11:38:41 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18827 en
    07.02 10:18:12 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Payments tabs update" en
    07.02 09:05:48 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18809 en
    07.02 08:37:48 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post News "We present statistics" en
    07.02 08:16:50 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18799 en
    07.02 08:15:57 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18794 en
    07.02 08:02:15 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Members of JacaCoachTEAM in the form of a tip." en
    07.02 07:27:55 jacek added like Tip for today "Dbanie o własne ciało z trochę innej strony"
    07.02 07:26:52 ~ jacek
    07.02 07:25:51 JacaCoachTEAM added like Tip for today "Dbanie o własne ciało z trochę innej strony"
    07.02 07:16:20 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18782 en
    07.02 06:36:23 Somebody has updated the "tip for today". Tip for today "Taking care of your own body from a slightly different perspective" en
    07.02 00:04:16 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18777 en
    07.02 00:02:45 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18772 en
    06.02 18:41:21 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Notiffications "Transfer details in the JacaCoachAPP application" en
    06.02 18:33:41 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Payment details also in the JacaCoachAPP application in the Payments tab" en
    06.02 16:56:37 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Coach is a coach, but everyone is the master of their own fate and the creator of their own world." en
    06.02 15:32:21 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Update payment tab (bank account number)" en
    06.02 15:30:26 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Notiffications "Change of account number" en
    06.02 13:14:46 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Content Proofreading "What You'll Find Here"" en
    06.02 13:06:36 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Work of an athlete, coach, taxes, contracts, certificates, etc." en
    06.02 12:45:22 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Added mention of Google Translate to the news item "Why these particular languages ​​on the site."" en
    06.02 12:42:06 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post News "Why exactly these languages ​​on the site?" en
    06.02 12:38:40 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "New "what will you find here?" subpage and a link to it on the main page." en
    06.02 11:22:14 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Changing how the "Like" button is displayed" en
    06.02 11:05:16 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18694 en
    06.02 10:15:44 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18685 en
    06.02 08:43:13 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Possibility to add a report (photo) in 3 language versions automatically" en
    06.02 07:19:14 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18597 en
    06.02 07:01:15 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18590 en
    06.02 06:35:53 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post News "Why exactly these languages ​​on the site?" en
    06.02 06:14:21 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Everyone has the same possibilities?" en
    06.02 06:07:46 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "1 "wattish" matters" en
    06.02 05:26:00 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "How important is the individual" en
    06.02 05:10:44 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18550 en
    05.02 22:16:42 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18543 en
    05.02 22:15:13 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18536 en
    05.02 19:26:06 JacaCoachTEAM removed entry from activity (entry visible in archive) en
    05.02 15:42:35 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18529 en
    05.02 11:50:44 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Feeling of failure and age" en
    05.02 11:40:38 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Feeling Successful at a Young Age and Adulthood" en
    05.02 10:09:36 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Is hiding something always a bad thing?" en
    05.02 09:35:44 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Notiffications "Rebuilding the trainer panel" en
    05.02 08:17:28 JacaCoachTEAM introduced changes in the system "Possibility for JacaCoachTEAM to remove an entry from an activity and leave this entry in an archive file available to all website users." en
    05.02 08:15:04 JacaCoachTEAM removed entry from activity (entry visible in archive) en
    05.02 06:15:09 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18489 en
    05.02 06:11:27 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18482 en
    04.02 22:26:13 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18475 en
    04.02 22:20:50 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18468 en
    04.02 22:16:33 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18461 en
    04.02 18:11:42 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Has coach JacaCoach ever taken prohibited substances?" en
    04.02 18:10:04 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "" en
    04.02 13:17:25 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18441 en
    04.02 12:17:18 JacaCoachTEAM added like Tip for today "Prywatność - gdzie granica i kto ustala?"
    04.02 11:53:06 jacek has updated the "tip for today". Tip for today "Privacy - where is the boundary and who sets it?" en
    04.02 11:52:54 ~ jacek
    04.02 11:47:33 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Privacy - where is the boundary and who sets it?" en
    04.02 10:51:08 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Every country has its customs, and complexion will tell you what's on the shelves" en
    04.02 10:32:53 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Every country has its customs, and your complexion will tell you what's on the shelves" en
    04.02 09:10:05 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "If someone does something for you, whose work is it?" en
    04.02 08:36:00 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Who gives and takes away, you know" en
    04.02 08:22:07 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Ideals don't exist, or maybe they do?" en
    04.02 08:02:23 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today ""Honor"" en
    04.02 07:39:57 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Famous proverbs "The world.." en
    04.02 07:38:05 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Famous proverbs "The.." en
    03.02 22:09:46 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18378 en
    03.02 22:07:58 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18371 en
    03.02 19:49:41 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Our Sayings "Golden.." en
    03.02 19:48:13 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Famous proverbs "Nothing.." en
    03.02 19:46:56 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Our Sayings „Alo.." en
    03.02 19:45:32 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Famous proverbs „What.." en
    03.02 19:43:58 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Our Sayings „Those.." en
    03.02 19:42:24 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "Our Sayings „Simple" en
    03.02 19:21:24 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Tip for today "There are secrets in sports too. If something has to be hidden, it means that..?" en
    03.02 16:42:07 JacaCoachTEAM added/updated the post Story #18340 en
    [Further activities in the "Archive" files at the bottom in the "Activities" section :)]
    Direct link to activity file: https://jaca.coach/activities_en.txt

    Today's tip is ready to be drawn (you drawing as: anonim)

    1+1= (in words)

    You draw from the pool: all tips new / priority
    (» Top priority:0, High priority:0, New:113)

    Tip for today
    Taking care of your own body from a slightly different perspective
    Sometimes we forget that we are born with the most perfect thing that nature has created: our body.
    Sounds cheap? Text for the audience?

    So imagine how much a robot with capabilities exactly like a human would be worth? 🙂
    I guess that's what creating robots based on humans is all about!

    Value is OVERWHELMING.
    And we have it.

    We could take care of it as if it were something unimaginably valuable 🙂
    Tip drawn by:anonim (1days ago)
    Drawn from the pool: all tips

    Next "tip for today" in: now, someone, fe. you, has to draw it [here] 🙂

    Tip for today drawn for you
    You can order a tip and it will be randomly drawn for you and only you will see it here.

    Step 1.
    Go to the payment page and pay for your order.
    Amount 2.4EUR

    Step 2.

    1+1= (in words)

    *) If you want to keep the tip, copy it - we do not save the result of the draw in the order
    **) Personal clues are drawn from the full pool of clues.

    Buy eBook

    Coaching Care BASE

    Coop character?
    Read more
    Training days
    Avilability (time)?Week (minutes):

    Weekend (minutes):
    Coop start
    [+] JacaCoach App access jacacoach app Read more
    [+] Training Export (pulse or power)
    garmin zwo Read more
    [+] Import completed workouts
    strava gpx Read more
    [X] Including races in your training plan
    Equipment required
       » Heart Rate Monitor or Power Meter
    Experience level
       » Beginner
       » Semi advanced
       » Advanced
    Presented price is the price for one month of cooperation
    Rulles Read more
    Language versions of the JacaCoachAPP application: PL, EN (ES under construction)
    • Bank transfer
    • BLIK
    • Payment card: Debit and credit cards accepted
    • Apple Pay • Google Pay • Visa Checkout
    • Pay later (Klarna • PayPo • Twisto)
    • PayPal

    43.2 EUR

    Coaching Care TOP

    Coop character?
    Read more
    Training days
    Avilability (time)?Week (minutes):

    Weekend (minutes):
    Coop start
    [+] JacaCoach App access jacacoach app Read more
    [+] Training Export (pulse or power)
    garmin zwo Read more
    [+] Import completed workouts
    strava gpx Read more
    [+] Including races in your training plan
    Equipment required
       » Heart Rate Monitor or Power Meter
    Experience level
       » Beginner
       » Semi advanced
       » Advanced
    Presented price is the price for one month of cooperation
    Rulles Read more
    Language versions of the JacaCoachAPP application: PL, EN (ES under construction)
    • Bank transfer
    • BLIK
    • Payment card: Debit and credit cards accepted
    • Apple Pay • Google Pay • Visa Checkout
    • Pay later (Klarna • PayPo • Twisto)
    • PayPal

    55.2 EUR

    Questionnaire form
    Not sure which care will be right for you or what parameters to choose?
    Are you wondering whether cooperation is even possible? Before placing an order, send a survey.
    You will receive an answer in the form of an automatically generated analysis based on criteria prepared by JacaCoachTEAM after the form is approved.
    (we do not save data from the survey)

    Basic params
    Number of training days
    Time in minutes for one training
    Time in minutes for one training / weekend
    Kilometers in last year
    Main goal of trainings

    1+1= (słownie)


    » I am a total amateur. Where to start cooperation?
    » I don't want to do cycling but I want to train with JacaCoachTEAM
    » What if I don't receive the product I ordered and paid for?
    » Do I have to provide an email address and my name and surname?
    » Why is there no contact option in the offer?
    » End of cooperation and desire to return.
    » When is the best time of year to start training?
    » Do I have to start cooperation at the beginning of the month?
    » Sometimes I need a day off/vacation. Is this possible when working with a trainer?
    » I work in shifts. Does this prevent cooperation and training?
    » What if I don't do the training planned by the trainer?
    » How much time do I need to reserve for training?
    » How many days a week do I need to do cycling training?
    » Will I be able to postpone the planned training?
    » Person under 18 and trainings with JacaCoachTEAM?
    » Am I too old to training sports and cooperate?
    » I exercise at the gym once a week. Does this interfere with training?
    » Termination of cooperation. Do I sign a contract and is there a notice period?

    What makes us special?

    Competitive experience | Innovation | Reliability |
    Uniqueness | Dedicated application | Coaching experience |
    Constant development | Online / By the Internet | Availability |
    Quality |


    JacaCoachAPP an integral part of the entire system
    Because we found some voices that you don't quite like the "splitting" of the website and the JacaCoachAPP application.
    That's the impression some people had - and rightly so, because jacek wondered whether to completely separate the application from the www.jaca.coach website
    Ultimately, we decided to unify both services so that they would form one whole.
    Today, a new version of the JacaCoachAPP application 2.1 appeared with the same graphic design as the www website.
    New graphic design: www.app.jaca.coach

    Until now, in the statistics (those summarizing) we excluded the JacaCoachAPP application. Now, if we share statistics, they will be data for the entire server (like those from the list of countries from awstats).

    We present statistics
    For some time now JacaCoachTEAM has been presenting statistics of website/server visits.
    In our opinion, they should be treated as a curiosity.

    We have chosen those lists that, in our opinion, allow us to get to know you in some way.
    And by viewing them, you can get to know each other.

    That's how we imagine it 🙂

    By reviewing statistics from a longer period, statistics generated by one service provider, in one way.. we have a certain picture of the situation where we are in our activities 🙂

    We could explain a lot, e.g. where the name "jacacoach.pl" comes from. How data is collected on the server. What is it about bots, etc. We do not want to complicate the whole thing. We do not know everything ourselves either.

    Will we always present statistics?
    We do not know.
    At this point, it seems to be a nice enhancement of the website and it is a kind of contact with you 🙂

    Why exactly these languages ​​on the site?
    These are purely practical choices.
    We have chosen some of the most commonly used languages ​​in the world plus a native trainer, in which he can best (although always now) express himself.

    The choices are rather practical.
    Of course, there are other languages ​​also frequently used, the languages ​​of people visiting us, but the current 3 language versions are our maximum.

    The choices are also purely.. "technical" because writing in Chinese or Cyrillic are an insurmountable barrier for us at the moment (different keyboard).

    The only thing left would be to rely 100% on copy/paste translators, and that's not the point.
    We hope that the selected languages ​​are familiar enough or easy to translate so that you can understand our message.
    (sometimes there may be errors in translations - we are aware of that)
    (we use Google Translate for translations + we add our own corrections according to our possibilities and knowledge of the languages)

    About Us

    JacaCoachTEAM deals with comprehensive coaching care in the field of - cycling training.
    Training and cooperation is not only the work of the trainer and charges.
    The whole environment, often overlooked, is a huge challenge and a very important element.
    Tools necessary for cooperation and contact with charges, formalities, cooperation with partners allowing for all kinds of integrations facilitating training.
    Payment management.
    Monitoring the operation of services supporting training.
    Action plan and development plan.
    JacaCoachTEAM deals with all this.
    We are looking for the perfect solution for every competitor who starts cooperation with JacaCoach.

    Cycling coach. The most important information about JacaCoach.
    - Title "Cycling Instructor"
    - Cycling Trainer class II
    - Certificate of completion of the Dietetics and Supplementation course
    JacaCoach has been involved in broadly understood cycling training for many years.
    The roots of the project date back to the 90s and the early 2000s, when the main JacaCoach trainer gained competitive experience by racing on Polish roads.

    The main trainer has the necessary instructor and trainer licenses in the field of cycling training and dietetics.
    The aim is to adapt training to the expectations of the athlete while maintaining the ethical standards professed by JacaCoach.
    Can observations, searching for ideal tools, solutions on topics such as:
    private life / sports balance, improving fitness, communication, injuries, mental condition of the athlete, searching for blockages and strengths of the athlete be called research?


    JacaCoachAPP v2.0
    The online application supporting training and cooperation with a trainer, developed since 2017, has been released into version 2.0.
    Everything you need to train is now in one place.

    What sports?

    Road cycling | MTB cycling | eCycling (trainer) | TT - individual time trial |