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Książka napisana na przełomie roku 2018/2019.
Książka bez korekty.
Autorem, ale i bohaterem jest trener kolarstwa Jacek Swędrowski „JacaCoach”.
W tej opowieści przedstawione jest życie dziecka, młodzieńca, nastolatka aż po dorosłego człowieka,
który praktycznie od urodzenia nie rozstaje się z rowerem i sportem.
Historia nie tylko rowerowa. Otoczka „okołorowerowa” przenosi czytelnika w świat autora.


What do we do?

Online Sport Coaching Care: Cycling Training / Running / Triathlon


Coaching Care TOP
Main sport

Read more
Coop character?
Read more
Training days
Avilability (time)?Week (minutes):

Weekend (minutes):
Coop start
JacaCoach App access jacacoach app Read more
Trainings checking
Training Export (pulse or power)
garmin zwift zwo Read more
Import completed workouts
strava gpx Read more
Including races in your training plan
Equipment required
   » Heart Rate Monitor or Power Meter
Experience level
   » Beginner
   » Semi advanced
   » Advanced
Under 18 yo? Read more
Presented price is the price for one month of cooperation
Rulles Read more
payU BLIK PayPal
64.8 EUR

Coaching Care AMATEUR
Main sport

Read more
Coop character?
Read more
Training days
Avilability (time)?Week (minutes):

Weekend (minutes):
Coop start
JacaCoach App access jacacoach app Read more
Trainings checking
Training Export (pulse or power)
garmin zwift zwo Read more
Import completed workouts
strava gpx Read more
Including races in your training plan
Equipment required
   » Heart Rate Monitor or Power Meter
Experience level
   » Beginner
   » Semi advanced
   » Advanced
Under 18 yo? Read more
Presented price is the price for one month of cooperation
Rulles Read more
payU BLIK PayPal
57.6 EUR


End of cooperation and desire to return.
I exercise at the gym once a week. Does this interfere with training?
I want to take part in running competitions but also train cycling.
When is the best time of year to start training?
Do I have to start cooperation at the beginning of the month?
Sometimes I need a day off/vacation. Is this possible when working with a trainer?
I work in shifts. Does this prevent cooperation and training?
What if I don't do the training planned by the trainer?
How much time do I need to reserve for training?
How many days a week do I need to do cycling/running training?
Will I be able to postpone the planned training?
Person under 18 and trainings with JacaCoachTEAM?
Am I too old to training sports and cooperate?
Termination of cooperation. Do I sign a contract and is there a notice period?

Coop start
JacaCoach App access jacacoach app Read more
Proper nutrition is just as important as the training itself.
   » A diet adjusted to your needs.
   » Goals? Losing weight, building muscle mass, proper nutrition and providing the necessary amount of calories and nutrients
   » Including physical activity or JacaCoach training plan.
   » Access to a written diet through the JacaCoach App
   » Shopping list for the day
   » Easy-to-understand recipes for individual dishes and meals
Under 18 yo? Read more
Presented price is the price for one month of cooperation
Rulles Read more
payU BLIK PayPal
36 EUR

What makes us special?

Competitive experience Innovation Author's training concept
Reliability Uniqueness Dedicated application
Coaching experience Constant development Online / By the Internet
Availability Complete development Quality


2024-02-09 13:17:11
Feedback - Mario
The weight drops.
A plus here is the ability to choose what your diet goal is every month. Great idea! Thanks!!!

2024-02-09 13:14:19
Feedback - Kasia
hejka, dieta dokładnie rozpisana ale posiłki proste i łatwe do przygotowania. Fajna opcja to możliwość zamiany produktów na wegetariańskie

2024-02-09 13:09:58
Feedback- Kamila
I'm getting in shape and that's what I came here for. It turned out that it is now part of my life. It all works great and now being in better shape is such a bonus haahah

About Us

JacaCoachTeam provides comprehensive coaching in the field of endurance sports - cycling training, running, triathlon.
Training and cooperation are not only about the work of trainer - trainees.
The entire environment, often even unnoticed, is a huge challenge and a very important element.
Tools necessary for cooperation and contact with clients, formalities, cooperation with partners allowing for all kinds of integrations that facilitate training.
Payment management.
Monitoring the operation of training support services.
Action plan and development plan.
JacaCoachTeam will take care of all this.
We are looking for the perfect solution for every player who cooperates with JacaCoach.

Cycling, running and triathlon trainer. The most important information about JacaCoach.
- Title "Cycling Instructor"
- Class II Cycling Trainer
- Title "Triathlon Instructor"
- Certificate of completion of the Dietetics and Supplementation course
JacaCoach has been involved in broadly understood endurance sports training (cycling training, triathlon, running) for many years.
The roots of the project date back to the 1990s and the early 2000s, when the head coach JacaCoach gained professional experience by racing on Polish roads.
The head trainer has the necessary instructor and coaching licenses in the field of cycling training, triathlon and dietetics.
The goal is to adapt the training to the athlete's expectations while maintaining the ethical standards adhered to by JacaCoach.
Can observations, searching for ideal tools and solutions on topics such as:
private life/sports balance, improvement in fitness, communication, injuries, mental condition of the player, looking for blocks and the player's strengths?


JacaCoachAPP v2.0
The online application supporting training and cooperation with a trainer, developed since 2017, has been released into version 2.0.
Everything an athlete needs to train is now in one place.

What sports?

Road cycling | MTB cycling | Cyclo-cross cycling | Gravel cycling | Track cycling (middle distances) | Running (medium and long distances) | Triathlon | Swimming (performance) | Rollerblading | eCycling (trainer) | Duathlon | TT - individual time trial |